Safeguarding Policy
Bell Gardens Football Club cares about the health and safety of its players and volunteers. Our region has a Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate, and a Safety Director. This page contains resources devoted to health and safety.
Some of the information on this page is available elsewhere on this site, but we would like you to be able to find all of these resources in one place. We will be adding other pages as we develop this latest addition to our site.
Once approved as a coach, an assistant coach, or a team administrator, you need to complete the necessary steps to allow BGFC to perform a background check and you will need to complete a prerequisite course on player safety.
All players must wear shinguards at games and practices. There will be no exceptions to this rule allowed.
No jewelry may be worn except for Medical Alert Bracelets, properly taped down. This includes any type of jewelry. Earrings must be removed before the start of each game and practice and will not be permitted to be taped over. There will be no exceptions to this rule allowed.
BGFC commits to following the following procedure in regards to concussions:
Immediately remove from play any athlete suspected of having a concussion for the remainder of the day. The athlete shall not be permitted to return to athletic activity until he or she receives written clearance from a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. If the licensed health care provider determines that the athlete sustained a concussion or other head injury, the athlete must also complete a graduated return-to-play protocol of no fewer than seven days in duration under the supervision of a licensed health care provider.
Notify the parent whenever an athlete is suspected of having a concussion.
Provide all athletes in the organization with a concussion information sheet annually and obtain parent/guardian acknowledgement signatures before participation commences.
Offer annual concussion education/training for administrators and coaches (topics to be covered are specified by the law).
Require all coaches and administrators to successfully complete concussion and head injury education before they supervise athletes.